Under contract
- Empirische Kommunalpolitikforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS (with Michael Jankowski and Dominic Nyhuis).
- Koalitionsbildungsprozesse auf kommunaler Ebene. Schwarz-Grün in deutschen Großstädten. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Große Koalition, große Folgen? Die Auswirkungen schwarz-roter Regierungsbündnisse auf die Parteiensysteme in Bund und Ländern 1946 bis 2009. Marburg: Tectum Verlag.
Special Issues & Symposia
- Symposium: Competition & Cooperation at the Local Level. West European Politics (with Simon Otjes, Christina-Marie Juen & Michael Jankowski).
- Special Issue: Party Politics at the Local Level. Swiss Political Science Review (with Christina-Marie Juen, Raf Reuse, Michael Jankowski & Simon Otjes).
- Special Issue: Party competition and dual accountability in multi-level systems. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 30 (SI1) (with Markus Baumann and Alejandro Ecker).
- Special Issue: Political Behavior in the EU Multi-Level System. Politics and Governance 8 (1) (with Daniela Braun and Berthold Rittberger).
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
- Party Politics at the Local level. Swiss Political Science Review (with Christina-Marie Juen, Raf Reuse, Simon Otjes & Michael Jankowski).
- Issue ownership and government participation. Explaining parties’ issue attention at the subnational level. Party Politics (with Svenja Krauss and Katrin Praprotnik).
Online first
- The Influence of Age on Citizens’ Preferences for Age-Related Descriptive Representation. Politics and Governance 13 (with Kira Renée Kurz & L. Constantin Wurthmann).
- The data supporting the findings of this study are openly available at the Harvard Dataverse
- Under pressure? How regional dominant parties shift their EU positions when challenged by Euroskeptic parties. Journal of European Integration (with Anna Adendorf).
- The data supporting the findings of this study are openly available at OSF
- Equitability or proportionality? Local-level portfolio allocation in Germany. West European Politics (with Alejandro Ecker).
- The data supporting the findings of this study are openly available at the Harvard Dataverse
- The Impact of Institutional and Financial Constraints on Party Behaviour in Local Politics. Swiss Political Science Review (with Dominic Nyhuis, Sebastian Block & Jan A. Velimsky.
- The data supporting the findings of this study are openly available at OSF
- Navigating complexity: exploring the changing dynamics of coalition avoidance in Germany, 1946–2023. Regional & Federal Studies 35 (1): 51-73 (with Jochen Müller, Christian Stecker and Marc Debus).
- The impact of occupational background on issue representation. West European Politics 48 (3): 645-668 (with Jan A. Velimsky, Sebastian Block and Dominic Nyhuis).
- Probing the Effect of Candidate Localness in Low-Information Elections: Evidence from the German Local Level. Political Studies 72 (3): 1090-1111 (with Jan A. Velimsky, Sebastian Block and Dominic Nyhuis).
- Electoral Campaigns and Parliamentary Practice: Do Parties Pursue the Issues They Campaigned On? Swiss Political Science Review 30 (2): 89-107 (with Dominic Nyhuis, Sebastian Block & Jan A. Velimsky.
- The data supporting the findings of this study are openly available at OSF
- Do voters want their parties to be office- or policy-seekers in coalition negotiations? West European Politics 47 (6): 1333-1362 (with Michael Jankowski, Christina-Marie Juen and Florian Erlbruch).
- Electoral strategies in multilevel systems: the effect of national politics on regional elections. Regional Studies 57 (5): 844-856 (with Svenja Krauss and Katrin Praprotnik).
- Determinants of Government Membership at the Subnational Level: Empirical Evidence from Large Cities in Germany (1999–2016). Government and Opposition: An International Journal of Comparative Politics 58 (1): 145-161.
- Studying politics at the local level in Germany: a tale of missing data. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 16 (4): 753-768 (with Klaudia Wegschaider and Sophia Schmid).
- Does Anyone Care? Cohesion Policy Issues in Sub-National Politics. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 60 (6): 1538-1555.
- Time is on my side? The temporal proximity between elections and parties’ salience strategies. European Political Science Review 14 (4): 482-497 (with Mihail Chiru).
- Digitalisierung der öffentlichen Verwaltung: Die Umsetzung des Onlinezugangsgesetzes in niederbayerischen Kommunen. dms – der moderne staat – Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management 15 (1): 208-231 (with Michèle Jaich).
- Strategic issue emphasis in parties’ election campaign statements. Party Politics 27 (3): 515-527 (with Markus Baumann and Marc Debus).
- Topic Coverage of Coalition Agreements in Multi-Level Settings: The Case of Germany. German Politics 30 (2): 227-248 (with Svenja Krauss).
- Party competition and dual accountability in multi-level systems. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 30 (4): 542-549 (with Markus Baumann and Alejandro Ecker).
- Political Behavior in the EU Multi-Level System. Politics and Governance 8 (1): 1-5 (with Daniela Braun and Berthold Rittberger).
- Dimensions of political conflict and party positions in multi-level democracies: evidence from the Local Manifesto Project. West European Politics 43 (1): 74-101 (with Michael Jankowski).
- To adapt or to disregard? Parties’ reactions to external shocks. West European Politics 42 (3): 545-572 (with Patrícia Calca).
- ‘Sowing the Seeds of Love’? Determinants of Local Coalition Formation and Termination between the CDU and the Greens, 1994-2016. German Politics 27 (3): 339-358.
- Does EU regional policy increase parties’ support for European integration? West European Politics 41 (3): 594-614 (with Marc Debus).
- Gaining new insights by going local: determinants of coalition formation in mixed democratic polities. Public Choice 174 (1-2): 61-80 (with Marc Debus).
- Determinanten der Bildung nicht-etablierter Koalitionen in den deutschen Bundesländern, 1990-2016. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 11 (3): 365-390 (with Tim Niendorf).
- Strength of weakness? Innerparteiliche Heterogenität, divergierende Koalitionspräferenzen und die Ergebnisse von Koalitionsverhandlungen in den deutschen Bundesländern. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 58 (2): 179-204 (with Markus Baumann and Marc Debus).
- Coalition formation at the local level: Institutional constraints, party policy conflict, and office-seeking political parties. Party Politics 22 (6): 835-846 (with Marc Debus).
- Koalitionsbildung in deutschen Großstädten: Empirische Befunde aus Nordrhein-Westfalen. Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 24 (1-2): 109-143.
Articles in other journals
- Kleine Gemeinden in der kommunalpolitischen Forschung: Eine Fallstudie in Bayern. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 55 (2): 329-349 (with Lisa Wendling).
- Die Kommunalwahlen in Nordrhein-Westfalen im September 2020: Starke Grüne und weiterer Absturz der SPD bei den Wahlen im Zeichen der Covid-19-Pandemie. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 53 (1): 120-134 (with Dominic Nyhuis, Jan A. Velimsky and Sebastian Block).
- Kommunalpolitik: Komplex, polarisiert und zunehmend schwieriger? Bürger & Staat 71 (4): 215-221 (with Michael Jankowski).
- Ein zunehmend bunter Freistaat: Die Analyse der bayerischen Kommunalwahlen im März unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der kreisfreien Städte. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 52 (1): 78-94 (with Jan Pollex, Sebastian Block, Dominic Nyhuis and Jan A. Velimsky).
- Auswirkungen Großer Koalitionen auf die Parteiensysteme in Bund und Ländern zwischen 1946 und 2009. Mitteilungen des Instituts für Deutsches und Internationales Parteienrecht und Parteienforschung 17: 17-28.
Articles in edited volumes (** = peer-reviewed)
- Die Koalitionen, Koalitionsbildungsprozesse und Landesregierungen des Saarlands. In: Felix Hörisch (Hrsg.): Politik und Regieren im Saarland. Wiesbaden: Springer VS: 113-134.
- Die grün-schwarze Landesregierung in Baden-Württemberg 2016 im Lichte der Regierungsbildungsforschung, in: Felix Hörisch and Stefan Wurster (eds.): Kiwi im Südwesten. Eine Bilanz der zweiten Regierung Kretschmann 2016-2021. Wiesbaden: Springer VS: 43-71.
- ** O partido de direita radical “Alternativa para a Alemanha” (AfD) nas eleições municipais: desempenho eleitoral, temas enfatizados e tomada de posição, in: Antonio Lavareda and Helcimara Telles (eds.): Eleições municipais: novas ondas na política. Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV): 272-286 (with Michael Jankowski).
- Lokale Wahlprogramme: Ein blinder Fleck der deutschen Kommunalpolitikforschung?, in Björn Egner and Detlef Sack (eds.): Neue Koalitionen – alte Probleme? Lokale Entscheidungsprozesse im Wandel. Wiesbaden: Springer VS: 101-126 (with Michael Jankowski).
- ** What ‘moves’ party systems in times of crisis? Economic conditions, public opinion and party competition on European integration, in Sebastian Bukow and Uwe Jun (eds.): Continuity and Change of Party Democracies in Europe (Politische Vierteljahresschrift Sonderhefte). Wiesbaden: Springer VS: 111-140 (with Constantin Schäfer).
- Euroscepticism in Times of Crisis. A Macro-Level Analysis of the Euro Crisis’ Effects on Public Opinion and Party Competition on European Integration, in Marco Baldassari, Emanuele Castelli, Laura Pineschi, Matteo Truffelli and Giovanni Vezzani (eds.): Anti-Europeanism: Critical Perspectives Towards the European Union. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG: 31-55 (with Constantin Schäfer).
- Machtstrukturen in der lokalen Politik, in Markus Tausendpfund and Angelika Vetter (eds.): Politische Orientierungen von Kommunalpolitikern im Vergleich. Wiesbaden: Springer VS: 111-149.
- Großstadt ist nicht gleich Großstadt: Erklärungsfaktoren für die Unterschiede bei kommunalen Koalitionsverhandlungen und Koalitionsvereinbarungen, in Marlon Barbehön und Sybille Münch (eds.): Variationen des Städtischen – Variationen lokaler Politik. Wiesbaden: Springer VS: 193-219.
Research papers
- Classifying Documents with Human-AI-Collaboration: Introducing the Human-AI Collaboration in Classification Utility Framework. Open Science Framework (with Sebastian Block, Dominic Nyhuis, Morten Harmening and Jan A. Velimsky).
- Programmatic Europeanization revisited: The role of EP election proximity, EU support and Eastern European patterns. Center for Policy Studies Working Paper Series 2018/4 (with Mihail Chiru and Dragos Adascalitei).
- Cohesion policy implementation, performance and communication: Baden-Württemberg case study. COHESIFY case studies (with Stephan Heichel and Marc Debus).
- Cohesion policy implementation, performance and communication: Thuringia case study. COHESIFY case studies (with Stephan Heichel and Marc Debus).
- Positions on and issue emphasis of European integration and EU Cohesion policy: Analysing (sub-)national party manifestos. COHESIFY research paper 4 (with Marc Debus).
- Where Is My Party? Introducing New Data Sets on Ideological Cohesion and Ambiguity of Party Positions in Media Coverage. MZES Working Papers 167. Mannheim: Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (with Markus Baumann).
Other publications / websites
- Kommunalwahlen (nach 1945). Historisches Lexikon Bayerns.
- What do governing parties in Germany talk about in their coalition agreements? Counting Counts, October 2019 (with Svenja Krauss).
- Local politicians take the party affiliation of directly elected mayors into account when forming coalitions. Democratic Audit UK, 3 August 2015 (with Marc Debus).